

    Uzbekistan is a country with ancient history and rich culture. A rich architectural heritage, countless historical monuments, oriental bazaars and modern shopping centers, unique reserves and natural parks, sanatoriums and recreation areas - in our country everyone can find something to see and where to relax.

    The architecture of Uzbekistan is original and diverse. Despite the current conditions of globalization, the country has preserved the most ancient monuments of architectural heritage, which are visited by millions of tourists from all over the world every year. Famous architectural ensembles are located in Tashkent, Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara, Termez, Shakhrisabz, Kokand and other cities. Among the world-famous masterpieces of architecture are the architectural ensembles of Poi-Kalon, Islam Khoja, Lyabi-Khauz, Registan, Sultan-Saodat, Jami, Suzuk-Ota, the Pakhlavan Mahmud complex and many others.

    All this is due to the fact that in the Middle Ages the territory of Uzbekistan was the central link on the Great Silk Road, as well as the flourishing of Islamic architecture in the Timurid era from the 14th to the 16th centuries and during the reign of the Sheibanids in the 16th century. Majestic madrasahs and minarets, sacred mausoleums, magnificent ensembles and memorial complexes, mysterious necropolises and settlements, fortresses and palaces - numerous architectural monuments will allow each tourist to choose his own route for traveling anywhere in the country. 

    Uzbekistan has a huge archaeological heritage. On its territory there are a large number of fortresses and settlements, the most ancient of which belong to the Hellenistic era.
    The cult archaeological sites of Uzbekistan are:

    • the ancient settlement of Kampirtepa, which scientists called the lost city of Macedonian - the legendary Alexandria Oxiana;
    • the ancient settlement of Afrasiab on the outskirts of Samarkand;
    • Fortress of Ancient Khorezm - Jampyk-kala and others.

    In Uzbekistan, as the center of Islamic culture, there are a large number of cult mausoleums of religious figures and historical figures. The mausoleum is the burial place of a prominent figure in culture, science, religion, who distinguished himself in history. In our country, the most famous mausoleums are: the tomb of the Timurids - Gur-Emir, the mausoleum of Khoja Donier in Samarkand, the burial of seven saints (7 feasts) in Bukhara, the mausoleum of the national poet and hero Pakhlavan Makhmud in Khiva and many others.

    The magnificent architecture of Uzbekistan is represented by historical buildings, including sacred mausoleums, mosques, religious palace complexes and madrasahs. A madrasah is a Muslim educational institution, which is entered after a mekteb (elementary school). In the Middle Ages, the madrasah was the only institution of higher education for teaching Islam, from which outstanding scientists and religious figures graduated. In Uzbekistan, the most famous madrasahs are located in Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and other cities. Among the religious buildings are the madrasahs of Ulugbek, Sherdor, Tillya-Kori, the Kukeldash madrasah, the madrasah of Abdulaziz Khan, the madrasah of Muhammad Amin Khan and others.

    Mosques are places of collective worship for Muslims. There are more than 2 thousand of them in Uzbekistan. Many of them are monuments of architectural heritage, which attract thousands of tourists every year. One of the oldest mosques on the territory of Uzbekistan is the Magoki Attori Mosque in Bukhara and the Degaron Mosque in the Navoi region. As a rule, minarets, khanaka and other significant buildings decorated with traditional ornaments were erected on the adjacent territory of large mosques.

    Uzbekistan can offer not only excursions to historical monuments of architecture, but also places for fun pastime with family and friends. Theme parks and gardens, water parks and swimming pools, bowling and golf clubs, karaoke and bars - here you can choose a place for your vacation for every taste.

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    Latest update: 2022-12-20 11:53:58